Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Welcome March!

Sun is shining today! It's a nice warm sunshine! Saddled up TAZ just before noon & headed out. No real expectations, just went out to see what places were clear to ride.

Mainly stuck to the country roads. I knew the gravel roads would be mostly cleared, and maybe enough snow had melted by now on the DIRT roads.

There was just one bad spot we came across on one of the dirt roads. They has started to plow, but just didn't get all the way through this drift. TAZ & I had to navigate around to get past it & back on course.

I started to feel my cheeks getting some 'color' so I dabbed on a little sunblock. I know I should have put it on sooner, but I'm SOOO out of practice remembering to! :)

TAZ had a lot of energy, I mainly let her do what felt good to her. We did some nice easy trotting, some hard bouncy trotting, and even did a good deal of loping (toward home, naturally!) Pulled her back down a mile or so before getting back home to cool her down. She wasn't that sweaty or anything, just feeling good!

Date: 3/2/10

Location: County Roads

Duration: 2 hours 15 minutes

Distance: 8.63 miles

Type of Training: hum?

Difficulty of Ride: Easy

Weather: Sunny, 34 degrees!

...Time go go make dinner!

Maybe tomorrow it will be Bling's turn?

1 comment:

  1. Hey ... hey...I am waiting to hear about these wonderful rides.
    I did some LD's with Badger and loved it ... but now work a job that requires me to be unavailable on weekends...

    Sad face.
